
Please note that in-person attendance is reserved PhD students and young scientists who have undergone the selection process and have been accepted.

However, attendance is open to the broader audience of researchers and professionals in structural fire engineering through remote access. In this latter case, the registration fee includes live streaming of the lessons (via the Zoom platform) and access to recordings and presentations (the official language is English). If you have any special requests, please get in touch with the school secretary.

How to register

Please fill in the form below with your personal information and select the registration fee. By clicking on the “Send” button at the end of the form, you will be redirected to the payment page.

Registration form




    Full Personal Address (street, ZIP Code, town)

    Fiscal Code (mandatory for italian citizens and residents)




    Postal code*






    Dietary requirements*

    Payment information (required)


    350,00 EUR Regular fee

    250,00 EUR Discounted fee (reserved to members of ATE - Associazione Tecnologi per l'Edilizia).

    Payment option

    *For credit card payment, you will be redirected to the payment page once you click on the "Send" button at the bottom of this page.
    *For bank transfer: make it out to Fondazione Alessandro Volta, ref. “XFIRE School”
    drawn on Banca di Credito Cooperativo Alta Brianza e Laghi, Como, Via Rubini 3, 22100 Como
    IBAN: IBAN IT13L 08329 10900 00000 0300088 – BIC: ICRAITRR950

    Please, choose between receipt/invoice addressed to you or to your Institution:

    For this payment I would like to receive a receipt/invoice addressed to:

    Receipt/invoice header*

    For companies - VAT id/Fiscal code*

    For Italian companies only - SDI code*

    For Italian citizens and residents - Fiscal code*


    • For Invoices addressed to Italian Universities, please contact the secretariat ( No payment must be made in advance by participants in this case.

    • Invoices cannot be changed once they have been issued

    • Invoices are issued in Euros

    • Payments are handled by PayPal Secure System and can ben made with any credit card. No PayPal account is needed.

    Please accept the terms below to proceed. First click on the "Send" button and then go ahead with PayPal payment!